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Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (Centre for Training and International Cooperation)

The Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR) functions of scientific research, providing scientific research service, technology transfer, post-graduate training, international cooperation, consultant services in investment and construction in water resources, hydropower and environmental facility for state management, agricultural and rural development. VAWR has eight professional institutes, four centers and one national laboratory of river hydrology with 1.500 staff members. VAWR has been acting for the Vietnam Basin research at river scale and has professionally contributed to the field work in this project.


Da Nang Technical University - Faculty of Water Resource


International Centre for Climate Change and Development - Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka


UGM, Center for Disaster Risk Management and Master Program on Planning and Management of Coastal Area and Watershed 

The Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University established a master program, which started in the year 2003/2004, and is called “Master Program for Planning and Management of Coastal Area and Watershed” / Perencanaan Pengelolaan Pesisir dan Daerah Aliran Sungai (MPPDAS). This program is the first master Program for Planning and Management of Coastal Area and Watershed in Indonesia and even in South-East Asia. The program specializes in the development of professional ability in the coastal and watershed resources management within three semesters of study. Purpose of education is to prepare a Master in management and planning of coastal and watershed. Students will deal with environmental trouble-shooting by applying the geographical-ecological, spatial, and regional complex approach using remote sensing and GIS.


The University of Jordan


University of Battambang, Cambodia


Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia


National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering, Vientiane

FaLang translation system by Faboba