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Abstract / Main objectives
The overall goal of the CapWater project is to significantly contribute to the education of experts in the field of water resources sciences and management especially in developing countries. The project aims at strengthening the practical and technological knowhow of young professionals from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Brazil and Germany in Water Monitoring, Hydrological Modelling and Data Management as well as enlarging cooperation partnerships with university and business partners in the water sector.
To successfully achieve these goals, the following objectives shall be fulfilled:
- Establish an expert consortium with private sector partners and university partners
- Jointly develop practice oriented modules and learning units on water quantity and quality monitoring, data management and modelling
- Training of Trainers – improve the capacities, intercultural working and teaching skills of lecturers and trainers in the consortium
- Disseminate the course curricula beyond the consortium to the network of each partner
- Develop entire training modules to be offered to Official Development Assistances (ODA) as well as governmental institutions and universities
- Provide access to local markets for private sector companies and environmental institutions and educate potential staff and representatives in the partner countries
Perspectives, Approaches and Ideas for further development at the EU Level:
The need for practical training in developing countries in the context of water resources will grow in the coming years because both society and governments are getting more aware of the emerging environmental problems in their countries. The developed practice oriented and relevant competencies will help the students to find employment and additional strengthen the market potentials for the involved SMEs and thus promoting German engineering capacities abroad. Furthermore the partnership will create a multitude of new opportunities for all involved partners. The companies will obtain access to new markets, contacts to ODA and relevant water related institutions and later also to new possible partner institutions in the existing partner networks. At the EU level, the consortium will be able to jointly develop further research and funding proposals to develop future research projects in the field of monitoring and the assessment of water resources.
University cooperation partners:
- Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT)
- Vietnam Academy for Water Resources, Hanoi/Vietnam (VAWR)
- Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil (UFF)
- International Centre for Climate Change and Development - Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka/Bangladesh (ICCCAD-IUB)
- SME cooperation partners:
- ribeka Software GmbH, Bornheim
- SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH, Kaufbeuren
- DHI-WASY Software GmbH, Berlin
- Public institution cooperation partner:
- BGR - Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Branch office
- Hanoi/ Vietnam
Project Start/Duration and Funding:
Duration: October 2013 – December 2016
Funding: DAAD (Praxispartnerschaften)
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