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Education and Research Related to the Water- Energy- and Food-Security Nexus at River Basin Scale - EduNexus

Abstract / Main objectives


Considering the interdisciplinary and conceptual character of the NEXUS approach, related educational strategies require strong quantitative methodologies and appropriate case studies to be elaborated in interdisciplinary expert teams. Thus, the EduNexus project aims at bringing together students, lecturers and researchers from different disciplines from the Institute for Technology and Resources Management (ITT), TH Köln - University of Applied Science and the Centro de Cambio Global, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile to elaborate innovative teaching methods and new research concepts focusing on methodologies and management strategies for the Water Energy Food Security Nexus (WEF NEXUS) approach on river basin scale.

The general goal of the project will be achieved through the following project activities: 

  • Development of a joint WEF NEXUS learning module applying a blended learning approach, combining self-study elements and supported with appropriate media (educational movies, e-lectures)
  • Investigation and documentation of case studies in Chile and Germany on WEF NEXUS issues at river basin scale
  • Lecturer training on enquiry based learning and competency based teaching;
  • Student and lecturer exchange between the involved universities
  • Organization of international conferences, summer schools and workshops in order to foster the interdisciplinary exchange and research in the WEF Nexus field in Chile, Germany as well as in other Latin American and European countries
  • Formation of international and interdisciplinary research groups working in a specific river basin consisting of MSC, PhD or Postdoc researchers




Duration: January 2015 – December 2018

Funding: DAAD (Program: Subject-related Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education)



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