The Vu Gia Thu Bon
Information Centre (Vietnam)
To improve IWRM on basin scale and the communication among the water related stakeholders in the VuGia ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam, the ITT in cooperation with the Vietnam Academy for Water Resources has established the “Vu Gia – Thu Bon Information Center” (VGTB RBIC) at the Central Department of the Vietnam Academy of Water Resources in Da Nang. It offers a cross sector neutral space to discuss fair water allocation and IWRM. Thematic maps and posters on land uses, agriculture, hydrology and river basin development are presented and the River Basin Information System (RBIS) providing hydro-meteorological and spatial data is made available to the stakeholders on a local server. The VGTB RBIC serves as a pilot institution which should be followed by further river basin information centers all over Vietnam.
The Institute for Technology and Resources Management (ITT) and the Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR) were invited on November 2, 2016 to visit the Disaster Management Center (DMC) in DaNang in order to discuss cooperation possibilities. Research results of the LUCCi project related to the impact of hydropower development on water availability have been presented as well as further cooperation steps and concrete information needs discussed. The local authorities have strongly underlined their interest on the information products and training activities offered by the VGTB-River Basin Information Center (RBIC) in DaNang. Particularly, the huge demand for modeling and scenarios on reservoir operation and their impact on water availability as well as the need for hydro-meteorological data and for drought and flood risk assessment strategies were presented as the most important information requirements.
The LUCCi consortium publishs a joint publication by Springer:
Nauditt, A. and Ribbe, L. (Eds.), 2016: Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam (LUCCi), Springer book series Water Resources Development and Management, ISBN 978-981-10-2623-2
Summary LUCCi
In the scope of the German-Vietnamese research project “Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam” (LUCCi) funded by the German and Vietnamese research ministries BMBF and MOST, a variety of feedbacks in a dynamically developing socio-ecological system were assessed during the period of 2010-2016. The study region, the Vu Gia Thu Bon river basin, provides manifold ecosystem services for the provinces Da Nang and Quang Nam and supplies the population with water, food and energy. It is exposed to numerous challenges as rapid hydropower development, urbanisation, industrialisation, and expanding tourism along the coasts of both provinces.
Strategies for sustainable resource use were developed in the framework of the LUCCi project that can cope with the increasing pressure placed on the land and water resources in the region. Crucial local and national stakeholders who are entrusted with the management of the land and water resources were included from the start to ensure demand-oriented research and simultaneously to contribute to capacity development. The research results were made available to the province governments as well as relevant national and regional institutions.
This book presents selected application-oriented results of the multifarious research project LUCCi, in which numerous German and Vietnamese scientists as well as international organisations participated. Especially the usability of the results for resource planning by the involved regional and national stakeholders was taken into consideration in selecting the contributions.
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LUCCILand use and climate change interactions in Central |