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Paraíba do Sul (Brazil)

Located in the South-East, the Paraíba Do Sul is one of the most significant river basins of Brazil in terms of urban water supply. Water is mostly used for domestic and industrial purposes but also for irrigation and hydropower generation. It is transboundary as it forms part of the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Although located in a humid tropical and subtropical environment, increasing water demand during the past years and extended dry spells have caused severe water allocation problems. 

Scientists claim that large scale deforestation and agroindustry in South America have aggravated the hydrological crisis in the Paraíba do Sul river basin by modifying the regional hydrological cycle and hence shifting precipitation. Being used to sufficient water supply, Brazil suffers from a lack of efficient water management practices. Therefore the affected states are highly vulnerable to hydrological crises. ITT, UFF, AGEVAP and other partner institutions are working on tools and methods to assess drought characteristics on the one hand and develop solutions towards a more sustainable water management. 


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