Mekong Basin Research (SE-Asia)
The Mekong basin research aims to analyse natural and human induced factors which determine the severity of hydro-meteorological extremes and their impacts in the Mekong River Basin. It aims at identifying and quantifying the key drivers of change and evaluates their dynamics in order to be able to estimate their individual relevance for floods and droughts in the region. The study analyses geographical hotspots and evaluates the role of the different drivers which are impacting the severity of climate related disasters.
In particular the following research questions are addressed by this study:
- What is extent and impact of past floods and droughts in the MRB?
- What can be deduced from Global Circulation Model scenarios regarding changes in the hydrology of the Mekong Basin?
- Which socio-economic developments are relevant in order to understand current or future vulnerabilities regarding hydro-meteorological extremes?
- What is the recent dynamics of land use changes and which relationships can be drawn regarding a changing hydrology?
- What is the recent dynamics of hydropower development and how could this impact hydro-meteorological extremes in the future?
- How can the dynamics of drivers and pressures to hydro-meteorlogical extrmes be related to future hotspots of their potential impacts?
- Which demands exist for further studies?
Mekong Delta Talk
In the development and implementation of an holistic and integrated approach to Mekong delta, mechanisms for promoting information exchange, lessons learnt sharing, networking, institutional and policy dialogue, and public awareness and participation etc. play a very important role. However, for different reasons, these mechanisms are not yet often given sufficient attention. As an effort towards addressing this gap, GIZ’s “Integrated Coastal Management Programme” (GIZ-ICMP) initiates the “TALK MEKONG DELTA”. This is expected to be an informal platform for connecting people, disseminating knowledge, and influencing policies and practices in the Mekong delta. The Talk Mekong Delta this year took place on 4th - 5th April in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
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