Huasco River Basin (Chile)
The Huasco Valley is located in the arid region of Chile, and hosts a population of 255,000 inhabitants. The valley size covers 9,850 km2 and holds one large reservoir with a capacity of 170 Mm3, and two small backup reservoirs, only used in drought years. In the face of these rising pressures on water resources, water resources planning becomes critical on all spatial and temporal scales because it contributes a systematic and transparent approach for resolving water issues. In this respect, interest was expressed by the local water user community to be involved in the recent effort to provide scenarios on longer time.
Summer school "Understanding and Modeling the water-energy-food nexus" in chile
The EduNexus Summer School “Understanding and Modelling the Water-Food-Energy Nexus” took place on 3-6 January, 2017, in Temuco, Chile. The overall objectives of the summer school were: introducing to basic WEF concepts and approaches, updating Nexus learning units and data bases, bringing together students, lecturers and researchers and their network to work on methodologies and management strategies for the WEF Security Nexus on river basin scale and fostering the science-policy-society dialogue with local stakeholders on the Nexus conflicts under drought conditions. To illustrate Nexus related resources conflicts, a field visit to the Imperial was conducted.
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