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Centro del Agua  del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe

In order to facilitate the means to improve the quality of life in countries of the humid tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean, CATHALAC promotes sustainable development, through applied research and development, education and technology transfer on water resources and the environment. The former becomes evident in that its organizational agenda comprises four thematic areas: Integrated Watershed Management, Climate Change, Environmental Modeling and Analysis, Risk Management.


Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas

The Center for Advanced Studies in Arid Zones (CEAZA) is a Regional Scientific Research and Technological Center in La Serena, the Region of Coquimbo, arid North-Central Chile. The area of investigation which will be part of the project is dedicated to the study and modelling of the hydrological cycle and to the assessment of the vulnerability of the regional water resources (Integrated management), both in terms of magnitude and environmental quality, using different methodologies, and supported by and integrated models.


Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro

The Laboratory of Geophysics of UFF (Laboratório de Geografia Física) was established in 1996 and carried out important activities including research, teaching and exchange lectures. The Laboratory follows the research lines of: Coastal Geomorphology and Coastal Management, Fluvial Geomorphology, Geomorphometry applied to geomorphological map, Geoprocessing, Hydrological Basin Management, Erosive Processes, Digital Image Processes, Remote Sensing.


Universidad de San Luís Potosí

The Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP - Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) is an institution of higher education that contributes to the development of academic research and the dissemination of culture in the state of San Luis Potosi and Mexico. It is characterized by achieving high quality indicators for its curricula and serves as the repository for a centuries-old cultural tradition. Therefore, it is one of the most traditional universities of the country and its autonomy is exercised with responsibility and maturity.


Universidad de la Serena

The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University de La Serena (founded in 1981) accompanies the development of the agricultural irrigation in the Limarí region in cooperation with public and private actors since many years. The focal point in research, education and training is connected closely to the region’s main topics like agricultural irrigation, hydrology and the natural resource management in arid and semi-arid regions. Since 2008, the ULS cooperates with ITT in the area of education and research by the continuous exchange of students, staff members and professors.


Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

The UC Center for Global Change of Pontificia Catholic University of Chile is an alliance between five faculties: Agriculture and Forestry, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences and History, Geography and Political Science, concentrating its efforts on developing basic and applied research on biophysical dimensions and Human global change. The mission of the UC Global Change Centre is "to promote (national and international) academic collaboration to investigate the phenomena related to global change, fully addressing the biophysical and human dimensions."

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