Nile Basin Research (N-Africa)
The main goals of water management strategies in the Nile Basin are a reasonable understanding of basin-scale dynamics and implications of development options along with promoting trans-boundary cooperation and negotiations in order to tackle challenges for optimizing economic, social and environmental benefits from river ecosystems. The project in the Nile basin aims to go along with the fundamental principals for basin-wide water management: equity means to reverse historical inequity and to ensure all Nile riparian states sharing water resources equitably and fairly; sustainability means here to protect the environment and natural resources and to ensure socio-economic well being; efficiency is supposed to encourage and support efficient, optimal and beneficial use of water.
Field visists, case studies and ongoing research
Among several other projects of ITT and its partner universities in the Nile basin, the EBL-Nexus Project (Enquiry Based Learning in the Curricula of Master-Level Courses in the Water and Land Nexus) has been very active this year. One specific focus of the EBL project is the development of exemplary case-studies from the partner countries Ethiopia, Sudan and Jordan. In 2014, students and researchers of all partner universities worked on the development of a case study on the northern Ethiopian highlands. During field visits in May 2014 but also as part of a module offered at ITT, an international group of students looked at the challenges and opportunities of rainfed agriculture in this region. Currently, student exchange for master thesis research is taking place between the University of Khartoum, Addis Ababa University and the ITT. More Information
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