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Media Gallery

Pictures and Videos

Pictures and Videos are provided on this site. The media gallery presents our work in the different projects. Pictures on field work, flood assessment, natural environment, scenario workshops, stakeholder meetings, SWI and drought management are available in the gallery of each project.  

Vu Gia Thu Bon Information Centre (Vietnam)

Mekong Basin Research at ITT (Se-asia)

Dhaka River Basin (Bangladesh)

Lam Pa Chi (Thailand)

Limarí (Chile)

Huasco River Basin (Chile)

Mata Atlántica Do Rio: Macacú (Brazil)

Paraíba do Sul (Brazil)

Nile Basin Research at ITT (N-africa)

Imperial River BASIN (Chile)

Tempisque-Bebedero BASIN (Costa Rica)







FaLang translation system by Faboba