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Dhaka River Basin (Bangladesh)

Bangladesh is a densely populated south Asian country and consists largely of a low, flat topographical area. Constitution of the land is 80% of major rivers floodplains of the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Meghna rivers. Flood events occur frequently during the wet season, which are able to inundate up to 65% of the country, while droughts are a general cause of water scarcity during the dry season. 

The basin is completely dependent on the ground water resources while all other sources of fresh water in the basin are almost dead or unusable. Climate change increases variability in precipitation, soil moisture and surface water in developing countries like Bangladesh. Recent days Bangladesh has prime concern to sustainably manage its ground water as it is tend to become scarce. In Dhaka river basin area, surface water withdrawal from adjacent rivers is not a proved feasible option because of high levels of industrial and domestic pollution from unregulated waste disposal.

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